Wednesday, August 6, 2008

NBA Players going to Europe

The NBA once was Money-Land. Don't get me wrong, they make a lot of money. Now, Europe seems like Money-Land. First off, we all know that we lost Josh Childress left for Europe and Carlos Arroyo left for Isreal for more money. Nothing much but warnings for the NBA about players leaving for Europe. Now, LeBron is reportedly getting $50 Million dollars in Europe. Now.... LeBron is doing great stuff for the NBA and it would be a devastating loss if he went to Europe. LeBron is missing out on MVP awards and NBA championships if he leaves but his agent is saying if he leaves for Europe it will only be for one or two years. 

The positives: 
LeBron would be a global icon.
$50 Million buckaroos a year! (He is being offered $20 million dollars until 2010)
LeBron would be the most Dominant player.

The negatives:
Not much of competition.
No NBA glory. (Championship rings, MVP award etc.)

Does LeBron need the extra $30 million dollars? I'm not sure. 
It would really be a loss for the NBA and the NBA needs to decide quick on how to fix this problem of players going to Europe. 

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