Tuesday, September 23, 2008

OJ Mayo, Beasley, and Rose on SLAM Cover.

Let me tell you something first. I love Slam. It's a fun magizine to read. I subscribe to it and I read the newest issue. On the front it says, "YALL AIN'T READY". The picture on the cover was Michael Beasley, OJ Mayo, and Derrick Rose. I was sickened to look at that, and let me tell you why.

I love my man K-Love. I'm a UCLA Basketball fan and I hate USC. In my mind, K-Love is better than OJ Mayo overall. OJ Mayo probably is more athletic, but Kevin is so smart with the ball and can give a team a better chance to win. 

OJ Mayo is questionable for a couple of reasons. Back in High School, people thought he was great. Then, he comes to USC and underachieves. Now, he is being treated like a Superstar. Do you get what I'm saying? Kevin Love has never really been in the spotlight but showed great skills this summer.

Back to SLAM.

You can probably tell why I'm a little mad about that article but watch out! Kevin Love will be R.O.Y.

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